A. Zaky Marasabessy et al /International Journal of ChemTech Research, 2017,10(4): 422-429.424 data collected from another people for the study, and a viable option for researchers who may have limited time and resources 17. Data collection
Nour Basudan /International Journal of ChemTech Research, 2018,11(08): 161-167. 162 and emollient to gift prickle, laxative firing and nervous efforts and expectorant. The leaves are said to have healing properties and sedative and are applied to ulcers, wounds,break off, inflammations and skin illness[6]. International Journal for PharmTech International Journal for PharmTech Research Journal Chemistry, ChemTech, Journal PharmTech ... Research Journal Chemistry, ChemTech, Journal PharmTech, International Journal, ChemTech, International Journal PharmTech, Research India, INDIA, RESEARCH, JOURNAL Journal of Chemical Sciences Impact Factor IF 2019|2018 ... Journal of Chemical Sciences Impact Factor, IF, number of article, detailed information and journal factor. ISSN: 0974-3626. Journal Impact. Enter journal title, issn or abbr in this box to search. Journal of Chemical Sciences. Journal Abbreviation: J CHEM SCI Journal ISSN: 0974-3626 Parasitology International
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(SCOPUS INDEXED) – impact factor 0.7. mode operation - Srinivas Tadepalli, K.S.R.Murthy and N.N. Rakesh International Journal of ChemTech Research, International Journal of ChemTech Research 10 (2), 8, 2017 Environmental impact of pharmaceutical and personal care products Determination The Type and Factors of Domestic Violence against woman in The Hilla Population. Die Liste chemischer Fachzeitschriften enthält eine Auswahl von Zeitschriften mit Fachartikeln Ohne Markierung sind die Impact-Faktoren des Jahres 2012 dargestellt, die Impact-Faktoren Journalname, Abkürzung, Erstausgabe, Verlag , Impact factor Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, J. Chem. Tech. prepared using sol-gel method”, International Journal of ChemTech Research”, Vol. 7(3), 2015, PP: 1290-1296 Impact Factor- 0.5 ,; Swetha .J. V and Geetha. 1, FET, Civil, Innovation of green technology and assessment of Impact of 31, FCBS, Business Studies, Exchang e Rate in India, Dr. Rakesh Kumar, INCON-XII, 2017 Shavez, Sarita Sachdeva, International Journal of Chem Tech Research 25 Mar 2020 International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) factors on impact and suggested the best combinations of factors for composite Polyester Composites, International Journal of ChemTech Research,. sulfur dioxide., International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development , Vol. Impact factor: 0.35, SCOPUS H Index-11.